Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chapter 5: Readicide

Ok, I'll be honest. I forgot about this blog.  I have now woken up and realized that I am a dork.  That being said, Chapter 5 was scary to read.  I know this entire book has been about the "killing of reading".  However, I had hoped that by the end, we would have some concrete answers concerning what to do.  Didn't quite get there. 

We know that schools are lowering standards.  We know this lowers the students' education.  I got into a discussion with my TWS supervisor about "teaching to the test".  I think this is a horrible way to encourage free thinkers and learners.  She disagreed.  But Chapter 5 basically says the same thing...."what long term price are we paying for this teaching to the test appraoch (112)?"  If the United States' edge in the word was our creativity, then why are we putting so much emphasis on a test?  Creativity cannot be demonstrated on a scantron.  Nor can we expect teachers to work like in a "car factory".  If we allow teachers to jump outside the box and really TEACH and demonstrate creativity, test scores that are so valued might actually rise.  If you as a teacher cannot creatively think, you might need to change jobs.  Readicide didn't give me enough answers, but it sure as heck gave me alot of questions.

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